Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there lived a playful monkey named Max. Max had a younger sister named Mia, who loved to play with him all the time. They spent most of their days swinging from trees, playing tag, and laughing under the sun. However, one sunny afternoon, something happened that made Max so angry that he couldn’t stop crying.
It all started when Mia took Max’s favorite toy – a bright red ball that he loved to bounce and play with. Max had been playing with the ball for hours, tossing it in the air and catching it with ease. But when Mia saw the ball, she wanted to play too. Without asking Max, she grabbed the ball and started running away.
Max called out, “Mia, give it back! That’s mine!” But Mia was having too much fun to listen. She laughed and kept running, leading Max on a wild chase through the jungle. Finally, Max caught up to Mia and grabbed the ball from her. He was so upset, though, that he shouted, “You never listen to me!”
Tears welled up in Max’s eyes as he sat on the ground, crying. He didn’t like being treated this way by his sister. Mia, realizing that she had hurt her brother’s feelings, stopped running and sat next to him.
“I’m sorry, Max,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just wanted to play with your ball.”
Max wiped his tears and smiled. “I understand, Mia. Just ask next time, okay?”
From then on, Max and Mia learned the importance of sharing and listening to each other. They went back to playing together, laughing and swinging from tree to tree.